Cabins and gardens at Copperfield Cattery, Inverness
Cabins and gardens at Copperfield Cattery, Inverness

NEVER USED A CATTERY BEFORE? Some top tips and information. 
Preparation beforehand 
Encourage your cat/s to go into the cat carrier for a few times before you put them in to travel. You may take the door off and use it as a bed so that they associate it with a good experience. Check your vaccinations are up to date, don’t leave it until the night before.. If you haven’t had your cat/s vaccinated before they’ll need 2 lots of vaccinations 3 weeks apart and are ready for the cattery 2 weeks later. Pack your vaccination card with other items you wish to bring as we request to see it at each visit. Inform us of any special requirements your cat may have eg. Medications, steps, food and of any illnesses they have had which might be relevant. Feel free to contact us by email/text/phone regarding any questions you might have. We don’t require de-fleeing or de-worming beforehand but many people do this. We prefer cats to have been neutered before they come to us especially males. If you inform us generally of your cats personality beforehand ie. Shy, outgoing, aggressive to other cats we can offer them a cabin best suited to their character.  Outdoor/confident cats can be offered an end cabin/run with big windows to the outside gardens. We get full during the school holidays and we alert people through our website or occasional mailings as to our peak times. We have a link to the council school holidays website on ours for those without children. The more notice the better for bookings, but you can book last minute if your needs require and were happy to help if we have spaces. Please pay 2 weeks prior to your cat's stay by bank transfer or cash. Our bank details are on our website and your booking confirmation. You'll receive an automatic reminder 2 weeks and one week prior.
On the day – what to bring 
 Secure carrier  Vaccination card  Food (optional) if you have special food or feel you cat is fussy. We have breeders type wet/dried food here  Cat bed (optional we have plastic beds/fleeces here) unwashed cats’ own beds are welcomed as they are familiar to them/you  Cat brush (usually long haired cats) 
You don’t need to bring  Litter tray/litter  Toys  Bowls   Scratching post 
On arrival at our cattery New customers may like to settle their cats into their cabins. You are welcome to drop them off and go if you’re in a hurry. Once settled in we will do the paperwork – check your vaccination cards and return to you, check your return dates, confirm your contact details ie. Mobile phone number, check your vets details, confirm your feeding regime at home, confirm any special requirements such as medications. Marie and Bob are usually here to welcome you in. Very occasionally we have staff cover if we’re away (which is not very often).  Our parking facility is a roundabout so we ask new people to drive right the way round and park in front of the reception sign, almost back to the gate again. There are some very busy days during our peak season when it gets very busy with 4-5 cars arriving at once. Please be patient and we’ll serve everyone as quick as possible. Please drive carefully as our cats are usually around the garden 
Our cattery routine We feed water and change the litter each morning usually 8.30-10.30am. We pet the cats if they like it, groom those requesting grooming (usually long haired cats) and make sure the cabins/runs are clean and tidy. Each evening – usually 5-7pm- we check the food supply and pet the cats again. We try and stick to the same regime you have at home as much as we can. Very young kittens, cats with special needs and elderly cats may be checked at extra times of the day. Charts are kept for cats on medications or who are under observation for any medical query. Medications are kept in a safe box or in the cattery fridge.  If a cat becomes unwell during their stay we contact the owners on their contact numbers to discuss what the best approach is. We take cats to their own vets where possible. In emergencies we make the decision to go directly to the vet. If we suspect a contagious illness we have separate quarantine facilities. We have a cattery fridge and freezer for cats own food. We often send text messages or emails to new customers after a couple of days letting them know how their cat’s settling in.  
Cats behaviours whilst at the cattery Cats’ behaviours vary but we have observed similarities over the years we have been looking after cattery cats. On arrival most cats are either inquisitive as to their new environment and will explore and sniff around their cabin area or they will be anxious and want to find a hiding place. Once they’ve put their scent around the area it becomes their territory. The majority of cats don’t eat very much for the first 24-36 hours as their routine has been disrupted. This is normal and nothing to worry about.  Most cats – even cats who don’t have litter trays at home – prefer to use litter trays rather than the floor.  Most of the time cats show us similar personalities to how they are at home. However occasionally they surprise us here and become quite different cats (good and bad behaviours!) For example, your cat may not have come into contact with many other cats as far as you know and when they are presented with another cat next door to them here they may welcome play through the plastic dividers or hiss/spit.  The cabins and runs are designed to meet all your cat’s behaviours whilst they’re here with us. They will sleep or sit in their beds next to the window or inside the cabin if they are shy. They will sit and jump on the outside steps to watch the garden birds and our family in the garden. They each have a scratching post to enjoy and toys to occupy them. Younger cats have more toys as they will use them more. Older cats prefer to sit in their beds by the window. They all have longer outside viewing seats to lie and watch the world outside. The heated cabins are there to retreat into on colder days. We won’t know what they’re like until they arrive. However the vast majority of cats settle down after 24-36 hours and show us their true personalities. They start to eat their usual portions of food by day 2. Some will eat immediately and aren’t put off by the change, others may take 3 days to get back to normal. We have a selection of goodies to encourage them such as tuna and of course Dreamies – never to be refused.  
We understand people’s anxieties of leaving their cats however they soon settle down and get used to us and the cattery environment and routine. We do whatever each cat needs to have a comfortable and enjoyable stay. On your return we will provide feedback on your cat's stay. On collection we often have difficulties getting cats into their carriers as they’ve made the cabins their own. That’s cats for you! 

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Marie Waugh and Bob Pettitt, Copperfield Cattery, Kirkhill, Inverness. Highland. IV5 7PB 01463 831356....... 07981 781130

